The 15th National Square Dance Convention in Montreal had lots of participation from the Calgary area. Below are some photos of many of those who spent some fun times in Montreal. Missing from the photos but present at the convention is John and Joyce Kelly, and Roger Dorchak.

Montreal Convention - Steve and Mary Megley
Steve and Mary Megley

Montreal Convention - Starlite Fashions from Calgary
Starlite Fashions had a large selection of Square Dance attire for sale to the many dancers

Montreal Convention - Ron and Donna Baba
Ron and Donna Baba did the Badges for the Convention

Montreal Convention - Calgary people
A meeting with Erna Dreger, Ron and Donna Baba (Peony badges), Anne Gray, and Shirley Moore (Starlite Fashions)

Montreal Convention - Milla and Bill Bartlet
Milla and Bill Bartlet - dancers of 31 years

Montreal Convention - Anne Gray and Dave Bartlet
Anne Gray and Dave Bartlet (yes that's Mom and Dad in the picture above) also dancers of 31 years

Montreal Convention - Dave and Jean MaCrae
Dave and Jean MaCrae

Montreal Convention - The Robinson's
The Robinson's

Montreal Convention - Louise and Larry Corneil
Louise and Larry Corneil

Montreal Convention - Penny and Kelly Borrowman
Penny and Kelly Borrowman

Montreal Convention - Wayne and Doreen Stretch
Wayne and Doreen Stretch

A few general photos from the convention follow. It was a HOT HUMID convention and casual dress was allowed for the entire convention - many dancers at all levels still wore traditional square dance dress. Dancers at the Advanced and Challenge levels were fortunate to be in Air Conditioned halls, while the Mainstream, Plus and Rounds suffered the extreme heat.

Montreal Convention - Dancers in the A2 Hall
Dancers in the A2 hall being entertained by Ray Brendzy

Montreal Convention - Registration Desk
Helpers at the Registration Desk

Montreal Convention - London 2008 Registration Desk
London Registration Desk - they are now over 600 registrations.

Montreal Convention - Closing Ceremonies
Helpers at the Registration Desk

Montreal Convention - London 2008 Closing Presentation
London Closing performance under fluorescent lights